ALF team member and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Belgrade Faculty of law, Julieta Rabanos recently published two articles. She published an article “Two Comments on Il modello conversazionale” by Francesca Poggi dealing with a reflection on the reading of Francesca Poggi’s recent book, Il modello conversazionale. The article is published in the Scientific Journal Analisi e Diritto, Vol 23 No 1 (2023). She also authored a paper titled “Back to (Law as) Fact. Some Remarks on Olivecrona, Scandinavian Legal Realism, and Legal Notions as Hollow Words”, where she critically reconsidered some of the main tenets underlying Karl Olivecrona’s works. This paper was published in Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, Issue 1/2023. Read the papers on the links bellow:

Rabanos, J. (2023). Dos comentarios a Il modello conversazionale, de Francesca Poggi. Analisi e diritto 23(2), 41-58.

Rabanos, J. (2023). Back to (Law as) Fact. Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, 2023/1, 205-232.