Early-career researcher Mila Đorđević has been awarded an ALF scholarship for a research stay at the University of Surrey, in collaboration with the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy (SCLP). During her stay, Mila will participate in seminars and workshops organized by SCLP and work on her PhD thesis under the mentorship of Professor Ambrose…
Read MoreEarly-career researcher Mila Đorđević has been awarded a prestigious ALF scholarship for a research stay at the Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, in collaboration with Lisbon Legal Theory (LLT) at the Univeristy of Lisbon. During her stay, Mila will attend weekly lectures as part of LLT’s activities and work on her PhD thesis under the…
Read MoreBojan Spaić, ALF coordinator, academic member and visiting Professor at Roma III University delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the concept of a legal system as part of the Philosophy of Law course led by Professor Giorgio Pino at Roma III University in Italy. The lecture, attended by all first-year law students, provided a deep dive…
Read MoreBetween September 4th and October 11th, 2024, Bojan Spaić, ALF coordinator, academic member and visiting Professor at Bocconi University delivered a comprehensive series of lectures on Legal Argumentation at the Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. These lectures were part of the course “Legal Argumentation and Economic Analysis of Law,” led by Professor Giovanni Tuzet. During…
Read MoreWe kindly invite you to the Conference “EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit Social Contract” that will be held on the September 27, 2024 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Conference Hall) from 09:50 AM (CET). Webex link for online participation https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m54ba847060886d0518241a1a50ff5943 This event is part of the EXPRESS2, an innovative EU-funded research…
Read MoreLisbon Legal Theory Group supported by the ALF project organised an International Conference in Lisbon on the 14th of June 2024, titled “The Varieties of Legal Methodology“. ALF academic member and coordinator Professor Miodrag Jovanović, was one of the participants and he spoke about “Comprehensive Methodology of Legal Scholarship”. The main aim of this Conference…
Read MoreDuring the ALF Summer school in Law and Logic held from 3-7 June 2024 in Lisbon, ALF coordinator and academic member Bojan Spaić gave a lecture on the Logic of evidential reasoning. Spaić discussed the logical underpinnings of evidence law and the legal institutes of evidence, burdain of proof, standards of proof, and considered the…
Read MoreDuring the ALF Law and Logic Summer School held in Lisbon, three administrative workshops were organized at the Lisbon Public Law Research Centre from June 4-8 2024. In a very constructive and pleasant atmosphere, various topics important for the ALF Project were discussed. Participants were ALF members of the administration office from Lisbon, Ana Viera…
Read MoreYoung researchers and members of the ALF team Ana Zdravković, Mila Đorđević and Sava Vojnović received ALF scholarships to visit the Institute of Public Law of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) within the framework of tasks 3.4, 3.9.7 and 3.4. Work package 3 of the ALF project. The research stay included attending the Summer School…
Read MoreRegional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), a regional organization established in 2010 as a joint initiative financed by European Commission and WB administrations organized Training module on Clusters of the Negotiation Chapters with special emphasis on Cluster 1: The Fundamentals from 4th until 6th of June 2024 in Belgrade. Within the 3-day RESPA training ALF…
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