Join us for the next Belgrade Legal Theory Group Meeting! 🗓 Monday, January 27, 2025 🕔 17:00 CET 💻 Webex – Meeting ID: 2743 477 0367 | Password: mRcPrQiy636 🎤 Speaker: Dr. Stefanie Lemke 📚 Topic: Law in the books and law in action: Using socio-legal methods to support and empower society to seek justice…
Read MoreThe annual IVRS (Serbian Association for Legal And Social Philosophy) “Work in Progress” Conference has traditionally been held once again on the 2 September, 2024. This year, we are proud to say that the 10th annual IVRS Conference took place at the premises of the ALF Center for Legal Fundamentals. In addition, ALF academic members…
Read MoreThe XXXI IVR World Congress titled “The Rule of Law, Justice and the Future of Democracy” was hosted by the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy from July 7 to July 12, 2024, at Soongsil University in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Among the conference highlights were 125 special workshops, featuring over 1000…
Read MoreWe are proud to announce the ALF Workshop “Legal Philosophy and Legal Practice” at the IVR World Congress 2024. The Workshop will cover the topic of the ALF project – it will deal with legal fundamentals, such as language, logic and practical rationality, as well as their influence and importance for legal practice and legal…
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