We kindly invite you to the Conference “EU Constitutional Identity Through an Explicit Social Contract” that will be held on the September 27, 2024 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Conference Hall) from 09:50 AM (CET).
Webex link for online participation https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m54ba847060886d0518241a1a50ff5943

This event is part of the EXPRESS2, an innovative EU-funded research project dedicated to building a more inclusive, democratic, and sustainable social contract in Europe.
Besides destinguished participants from the University of Barcelona, University of Zagreb, Carleton University and University of Montenegro, two of the University of Belgrade ALF members, Professor Miodrag Jovanovic, ALF co-ordinator and Marija Vlajkovic, ALF young academic member will be presenting at the Conference.