Belgrade Legal Theory Group organized its third event of the autumn semester of 2023 with Prof. Corrado Roversi (University of Bologna) on the topic of legal positivism from the perspective of social ontology. Prof. Roversi started with his main thesis as a critique of legal positivism by pointing out that designating a legal institution does…
Read MoreALF Belgrade Legal Philosophy Week 2023 dealing with Artificial Intelligence and Law starts on Monday, 13th of November 2023 and will last throughout the week with the final Conference and closing events on Saturday 18th of November 2023. ALF Center for Legal Fundamentals proudly invite you to the following series of academic events: 1. Tenth…
Read MoreWe are pleased to invite you to our new BLTG meeting that will be held by prof. Corrado Roversi from the University of Bologna on Monday, November 6th at 5:30 PM CET. Prof. Roversi will talk on the topic of “Legal Positivism: A Socio-Ontological Critique”. You can join us via the following link:
Read MoreALF Center for Legal Fundamentals and IVR Serbia organized a book symposium on Prof. emeritus Gerald J. Postema’s book “Law’s Rule: the Nature, Value and Viability of the Rule of Law” at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade, on October 31st 2023. Prof. Nina Kršljanin and Prof. Jasminka Hasanbegović gave opening and welcoming speeches.…
Read MoreALF academic members Professor Bojan Spaić and Professor Pedro Moniz Lopes participated in the Conference “Rationality and Law” which was held on 27 and 28 od October 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference was organized by ALF Partner Institution- the University of Lisbon and Lisbon Public Law Group. Prof. Bojan Spaić was presenting the paper…
Read MoreALF Young Academic Researcher and PhD Candidate Ana Zdravković gave a lecture on “Absolutely Not Absolute? – Some Reflections on the Non-Derogable Status of Freedom of Thought, Conscious and Religion” at the University of Genoa on the 25th of October 2023. She is currently on a research stay at the Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy,…
Read MoreThe Bar Association of Serbia, together with its Bar Academy, Journal for Legal Theory and Practice “Branič” and the ALF Center for Legal Fundamentals of the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade, is organising a seminar on “Legal Philosophy (Theory) and Its (Potential) Importance for Legal Practice”, which will be held in the premises of…
Read MoreAs part of the ALF project Work Package 3 “The Logic of Law”, ALF partner institution – University of Lisbon is inviting all interested students and researchers to join and participate in online courses on Law and Logic, within the Lisbon Public Law Research Academy. ALF WP3 is meant to offer both basic and advanced…
Read MoreUniversity of Lisbon, one of the ALF partners, is organizing a conference titled “Rationality and Law” on the 27th and 28th of October 2023 (altered initial dates). The conference will be held both online and in person starting from 09:15 in the morning (Lisbon time). Among other distinguished speakers, two ALF academic members will participate…
Read MoreBelgrade Legal Theory Group organized its second event of the autumn semester of 2023 with Prof. Brian Tamanaha (Washington University) on the topic of sociological approaches to jurisprudence. Prof. Tamanaha opened with general remarks about pragmatism, with a focus on its core meaning. He stated pragmatism concerns itself with experience and action, i.e. with what…
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