Professor Bojan Spaić, one of the BGL coordinators of ALF, was invited to partner with the University of Genova from the 25th of October to the 30th of October to act as a member of the PhD commission and participate in the international conference Assaggi e Griglie: Discutendo con Paolo Comanducci.

On the 26th of October, he acted as a member of the Commission for the award of the PhD title for the candidate Marin Keršić, along with prof. Luka Burazin (University of Zagreb) and Prof. Sebastián AGÜERO (Austral University of Chile). The candidate discussed with the Commission his PhD thesis with the title: Legal Methods for Resolving Apparent Conflicts Between Fundamental Rights. The Commission agreed that the research presented in the idea is original, the methods used are suitable, and the results are exciting and analysed with adequate critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the candidate showed excellent knowledge of the issues during the discussion. Therefore, the Commission unanimously judged the work very good and decided to award Mr Marin Kersić with the title “Doctor of Philosophy” in Law.


On the 27th, 28th and 29th, Spaić attended the International Conference in the field of legal theory in honour of Paolo Commanduci. The topics of the sessions included all the areas in which Paolo Commanduci varied from equality and tolerance to justice, legal reasoning, and legal positivism. Prof. Spaić presented the paper “Legal Interpretation is not about Language: The Curious Case of Lidia Poet”, coauthored with Roberto Isibor from the University Bocconi Milan. The presentation discussed equality and legal interpretation issues, defending the idea that in many cases, especially in cases involving rights, linguistic arguments do not determine the legal meaning of sources of law.

On each day of the conference, Spaić met with members of the Genova ALF team, Andrej Kristan and Pierluigi Chiassoni, to discuss the organisation of ALF and to plan the upcoming Legal Philosophy Week and Academic kickoff meeting of the project at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade that will take place on the final week of November and the first week of December 2022.

Pictures from the visit:


Convegno Internazionale “Assaggi e Griglie. Discutiendo con Paolo Comanducci”