The guest (Antonia Waltermann, from the Foundations group of Maastricht University) indicated the following, when asked to provide all the handles and users of social networks – both hers and her group’s & university’s ones: “I’m @amwaltermann on twitter (which I no longer use), on BlueSky, Antonia Waltermann on Facebook, amwaltermann on LinkedIn, and…
Read MoreIn this episode, we delve into the encompassing topic of international law, exploring it through the eyes of philosophy of law. Can our conceptions of law encompass international law? Is there something akin of a nature of international law? What would be the main elements to determine such a nature? Miodrag Jovanović discusses why there…
Read MoreIn our fourth episode of Heavily Accented Philosophy of Law podcast, we are honored to welcome Prof. Giovanni Tuzet from Bocconi University, Milan, who joins hosts Julieta Rabanos and Prof. Bojan Spaić for an in-depth discussion on evidential reasoning in law. Tune in as Prof. Tuzet explores key concepts such as the nature of truth,…
Read MoreThe guest for this third episode of the HAPL podcast is Domingos Soares Farinho, currently professor auxiliar at the Faculdade de Direito of the Universidade de Lisboa, member of the Centro de Investigação em Direito Público (CIDP) do Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, and member of Lisbon’s ALF…
Read MoreALF members Bojan Spaic and Julieta Rabanos had a great time talking with Professor Marco Segatti (Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy Università di Genova) about methodology, societal impact of philosophy and, mainly, about habits and the law Discover his proposal for a new definition of habits in this new episode 👇
Read MoreThe first episode of the ALF podcast – Threats and Challenges to the Rule of Law The very first episode of the ALF “Heavily Accented Philosophy of Law” podcast is out. We open our series of podcast with Professor Gerald J. Postema exchanging with ALF academic member and Post-doc fellow Julieta Rabanos about his latest…
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