New episode of HAPL (#6)

The guest (Antonia Waltermann, from the Foundations group of Maastricht University) indicated the following, when asked to provide all the handles and users of social networks – both hers and her group’s & university’s ones: “I’m @amwaltermann on twitter (which I no longer use), on BlueSky, Antonia Waltermann on Facebook, amwaltermann on LinkedIn, and…

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New Episode of the HAPL Podcast

In our fourth episode of Heavily Accented Philosophy of Law podcast, we are honored to welcome Prof. Giovanni Tuzet from Bocconi University, Milan, who joins hosts Julieta Rabanos and Prof. Bojan Spaić for an in-depth discussion on evidential reasoning in law. Tune in as Prof. Tuzet explores key concepts such as the nature of truth,…

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