An international ALF workshop on the Jurisprudence of John Gardner took place at the Palazzo dell’Albergo dei Poveri in Genoa on July 14, 2023. The event dedicated to the memory of John Gardner titled “Law, Positivism, Responsibility” included contributions by Annalisa Acorn, Brian Bix, Alejandro Calzetta, Sebastián Figueroa, Matthias Klatt, Julieta Rábanos, Cristina Redondo, José Maria Sauca, Natalia Scavuzzo, and Bojan Spaić. They addressed the main issues and contributions of John Gardner’s legal philosophy, such as his approach to legal positivism, the rule of recognition, legality, and rationality.

Representatives of the University of Belgrade ALF Team, Julieta Rabanos and Professor Bojan Spaić participated as presenters in the Workshop. Julieta challenged some of Gardner’s claims regarding his understanding of the concept of authority presenting her topic titled Law as “Three Leaps of Faith”, while Bojan Spaić analyzed Gardner’s understanding of jurisprudence in comparison to the practical aspects of law in his contribution “On Gardner’s ‘Why Study Jurisprudence?”.


International ALF Workshop on the Jurisprudence of John Garndner