A Workshop “The Nature of International Law: Between (De)fragmentation and (Dis)unity” was held at the Biblioteca di Politeia University of Milan on 18 September 2023. Its focus was on “The Nature of International Law”, a book authored by Prof. Miodrag A. Jovanović from the University of Belgrade and published by the Cambridge University Press in…
Read MoreWhat was Hart’s conception of judicial discretion? Is there something beyond the law that can serve as ground for judicial decisions? For this and more on Hart’s essay “Discretion“, which was recently published for the first time in the Harvard Law Review, read the newest paper authored by Assoc. Prof. Goran Dajović titled “Hartʼs judicial…
Read MoreOn 15 September 2023 an International Law Seminar “Constitutional Crisis and Regionalism” was held at the University of Bresca, Italy. A leading member of the University of Belgrade ALF team, Professor Miodrag Jovanovic, was one of the speakers, alongside professors Arianna Carminati, Matteo Frau, Nadia Maccabiani and Lorenzo Spadacini. They have thoroughly discussed the topic…
Read MoreALF Team Members and early career researchers Sava Vojnović and Mila Đorđević participated in the 15th Central and Eastern Forum of Young Legal, Political, and Social Theories from September 14th to 15th 2023, at the Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University, in Krakow, Poland. The forum was titled: “Democratic Futures, New Technologies, Crises, Emotions”. Sava’s presentation,…
Read MoreMila Djordjević, a member of ALF Belgrade team, gave a presentation on the topic “Humanity or Exploitation? Future of Reproductive Technologies in Serbia” (coauthored by Milica Vlajić) at the International Conference “Law, Society, and Digital Pasts, Presents, and Futures” at the Lund University, organized by Law and Society Organization, from August 30 – September 1,…
Read MoreOn 28 August 2023 ALF Research Group held a meeting at the newly established premises of the Centre for Legal Fundamentals at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade to discuss organization of project activities that will take place during the forthcoming semester, with the focus on Belgrade Philosophy of Law Week. Belgrade Philosophy of…
Read MoreProf. Bojan Spaic participated today in the “Law and Cognitive Science” International Conference at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Uniwersytet Jagielloński. The event is organised by the Future Law Lab of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków & the RECOGNISE Partnership. During the second day of the Conference Prof. Bojan Spaić gave a presentation that he co-authored with…
Read MoreWorkshop for ALF Administrative staff was held at the University of Genova Ricerca Europea office from the 11th until the 14th of July 2023. The Administrative workshop was organized by the administrative staff of the Project Administration Office (Ricerca Europea) of the University of Genova. Three-day workshop was attended by: Andrej Kristan (University of Genova), …
Read MoreAn international ALF workshop on the Jurisprudence of John Gardner took place at the Palazzo dell’Albergo dei Poveri in Genoa on July 14, 2023. The event dedicated to the memory of John Gardner titled “Law, Positivism, Responsibility” included contributions by Annalisa Acorn, Brian Bix, Alejandro Calzetta, Sebastián Figueroa, Matthias Klatt, Julieta Rábanos, Cristina Redondo, José…
Read MoreAs part of the execution of the task 4.8. within Work Package 4 of the ALF project, PhD students and early-career researchers at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law – Marija Vlajkovic and Sava Vojnovic – visited the Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy (Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del Diritto) in Genoa, Italy. Work…
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