ALF Center for Legal Fundamentals and IVR Serbia are organizing a symposium on Gerald J. Postema’s book “Law’s Rule: the Nature, Value and Viability of the Rule of Law”. The event will be held on Tuesday 31st of October 2023, at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade Conference Hall and online via Webex platform,…
Read MoreMember of the ALF team and a post-doc scholar at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Julieta Rabanos, participated online in the first edition of the Congress “Law and Fiction: Geek Law”, held at the University Alberto Hurtado (Chile). The congress was organised in two days, with a first magistral lecture and ten full…
Read MoreBelgrade Legal Theory Group organized its first event of the autumn semester of 2023 with Prof. Adam Dyrda (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) on the topic of kinds in jurisprudence. Prof. Dyrda opened with some conceptual remarks regarding two versions of metaphysical realism, as well as Plato’s and Aristotle’s views on the relationship between forms and…
Read MoreIt is our pleasure to invite you to the second Belgrade Legal Theory Group meeting in the autumn semester of 2023. This meeting will be held on Friday, 20 October 2023, at 5 PM CET. Prof. Brian Tamanaha from Washington University will join and give lecture on his latest book “Sociological Approaches to Theories of…
Read MoreProject coordinator and philosophy of law professor Bojan Spaić has recently finished teaching the first part of the course on Legal Argumentation and Economic analysis of law for students in the second year of legal studies at the University Bocconi in Milan. The course is led by prof. Giovanni Tuzet teaching the Economic Analysis of…
Read MoreInternational Conference “Are Minority Rights (Still) Human Rights?” was held from September 28th until 29th 2023. It was organized by Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Committee for National Minorities and Human Rights, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and Tom Lantos Institute from Budapest. It marked 25 years of Minority Rights Regime in…
Read MoreProf. Miodrag Jovanovic, MA Ana Zdravkovic (University of Belgrade) and Prof. Giovanni Tuzet (University of Bocconi) have recently published in the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade – Journal of Legal and Social Sciences Vol 71 Issue 3! Prof. Jovanovic published a paper titled “What is Self-Plagiarism?”, Prof. Giovanni Tuzet “Digestive Jurisprudence Restated:…
Read MoreALF premises of the Center for Legal Fundamentals (CLF) within the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade have officially been open on the 27 September 2023 at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. CLF is a specialized research center founded and equipped with the funds provided by the European Union. Dean of the Faculty,…
Read MoreMember of the ALF team and a post-doc scholar at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Julieta Rabanos participated in the congress “Giornata in onore di Paolo Comanducci” at the Centro Studi Politeia – Università degli Studi di Milano. The congress was organised in two sessions, moderated by Vito Velluzzi and Francesca Poggi (Università…
Read MoreALF team member and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Belgrade Faculty of law, Julieta Rabanos recently published two articles. She published an article “Two Comments on Il modello conversazionale” by Francesca Poggi dealing with a reflection on the reading of Francesca Poggi’s recent book, Il modello conversazionale. The article is published in the…
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