Early-career researchers Ana Zdravković, Mila Đorđević and Sava Vojnović have been awarded ALF scholarships for a research stay at the Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy (Istituto Tarello per la filosofia del diritto – Università degli Studi di Genova). The scholarships were granted by the Center for Legal Fundamentals at the Faculty of Law University of…
Read MoreDuring the ALF Summer school in Law and Logic held from 3-7 June 2024 in Lisbon, ALF coordinator and academic member Bojan Spaić gave a lecture on the Logic of evidential reasoning. Spaić discussed the logical underpinnings of evidence law and the legal institutes of evidence, burdain of proof, standards of proof, and considered the…
Read MoreDuring the ALF Law and Logic Summer School held in Lisbon, three administrative workshops were organized at the Lisbon Public Law Research Centre from June 4-8 2024. In a very constructive and pleasant atmosphere, various topics important for the ALF Project were discussed. Participants were ALF members of the administration office from Lisbon, Ana Viera…
Read MoreYoung researchers and members of the ALF team Ana Zdravković, Mila Đorđević and Sava Vojnović received ALF scholarships to visit the Institute of Public Law of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) within the framework of tasks 3.4, 3.9.7 and 3.4. Work package 3 of the ALF project. The research stay included attending the Summer School…
Read MoreThe last meeting of the spring semester of 2024 Belgrade Legal Theory Group hosted Prof. Hrafn Asgeirsson (University of Surrey), who held a lecture on the topic “How Normative Functions “Shape” the Law: A Grounding Problem For Legal Positivism?” Prof. Asgeirsson focused on the issue of shaping the law by normative facts or functions based…
Read MoreAs part of the execution of T5.8 within WP5 “Law and Practical Rationality” and T.6.6 within WP6 “Practical orientated legal fundamentals” of the ALF Project, University of Belgrade’s postdoc fellow Julieta Rabanos undertook a research stay period at the Centre for Law and Philosophy of the University of Surrey School of Law (United Kingdom), from…
Read MoreBelgrade Legal Theory Group organized another event in the spring semester of 2024 with Prof. David Duarte (University of Lisbon), on the topic of deontic modalities. Prof. Duarte started by presenting Hohfeld’s schema of molecular and atomic rights, with different atomic legal positions and their logical relations. He outlined Hohfeld’s square of deontic modalities and…
Read MoreFor the third BLTG meeting in May, we will host Dr Hrafn Asgeirsson Associate Professor of Philosophy and Law at the University of Surrey, School of Law, and co-director of the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy – on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 5:00 PM CET, who will speak about: “How normative functions “shape” the…
Read MoreJoin us online tomorrow at 6 PM CET for an interesting talk on legal education in the UK, by professor Christopher Taggart from the ALF partner institution, the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy! Link for the workshop: https://pravni.webex.com/pravni/j.php?MTID=m2803de65c62a6af5d866a4cf69ba733a
Read MoreBelgrade Legal Theory Group organized another event in the spring semester of 2024 with Professor Jorge Sampaio (University of Lisbon School of Law) on the topic of law’s normativity. Prof. Sampaio started his presentation with an outline of the concept of normativity by asking what are the reasons for complying with the law. Is it…
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